AMA Champions/Trophy Winners
Auckland Masters Athletics present trophies each year at the Annual General Meeting. The list covers the current holders of our various trophies. Below, we have set out the related rules.
** At AMA meetings and at the Meeting Manager’s discretion, AMA may mix men, women and age groups in track races. The decision to do so will typically be based on factors such as expected performances and field sizes.
Individual Trophy Rules:
To be eligible for the trophies below, athletes must be paid up members of Auckland Masters Athletics.
Gideon Tait Memorial Trophy
Competitors must enter four Gideon Tait Memorial Trophy events (no more, no fewer) – comprising; one track, one throw, one jump and another event of their choice. Results will be age graded on the members age on the day and compiled on the current five year age tables, and the best overall age graded athlete of the day wins the trophy.
Ernie Haskell Memorial Trophy (Revised AA meetings)
This is run over the Gideon Tait Meeting 1 and AMA Meeting 2 and Auckland Champs. Athletes now compete in the 3000m only. Results are compiled on the average of the two best age graded performances per athlete, over the three events.
Judith Stewart Middle Distance Trophy
This is also run over AMA Meeting 1,2 & 3 and Gideon Tait meeting. Athletes must compete in a minimum of one of each distance (800m or 1500m) at any of the four meets to be elligible (ie. minimum of one x 800m and 1 x 1500m over the series). Winner will be male or female with the highest age graded percentage from their best performance.
Fred Tapling Trophy
Athletes must attend each of AMA Meeting 1, 2 & 3 and compete in four events at each one. The four events must comprise of either: 3 track & 1 field or 2 track & 2 field or 3 field & 1 track event. These events will be age graded on age on the five year tables and a total percentage arrived at, which is divided by 12 to arrive at the average percentage performance.